Create a New Row by Combining Two Rows in a Pandas DataFrame: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Fantaysha -

Create a New Row by Combining Two Rows in a Pandas DataFrame: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Working with pandas DataFrames can be a real game-changer when it comes to data manipulation and analysis. But, let’s face it, sometimes you need to get creative with your data to get the results you want. One common task that requires some creative problem-solving is combining two rows in a DataFrame to create a new row. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of pandas and explore the best ways to achieve this feat.

Why Do You Need to Combine Rows?

There are many reasons why you might want to combine rows in a DataFrame. Here are a few scenarios:

  • Data Cleanup: You might have duplicate rows with slightly different information, and you want to merge them into a single row.
  • Data Enrichment: You might have two rows with different information, and you want to combine them to create a more comprehensive view of the data.
  • Data Transformation: You might need to transform your data from a wide format to a long format, and combining rows is a necessary step in the process.

Preparing Your DataFrame

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s create a sample DataFrame to work with. We’ll use the following code:

import pandas as pd

data = {'Name': ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob', 'Alice'],
        'Age': [25, 30, 35, 20],
        'City': ['NYC', 'LA', 'Chicago', 'NYC']}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)


This will output the following DataFrame:

Name Age City
John 25 NYC
Jane 30 LA
Bob 35 Chicago
Alice 20 NYC

Method 1: Using the `concat` Function

One way to combine two rows is by using the `concat` function. This method is useful when you want to combine rows based on a specific condition.

# Select the rows you want to combine
row1 = df.loc[0]
row2 = df.loc[1]

# Concatenate the rows
new_row = pd.concat([row1, row2])


This will output the following Series:

Name      JohnJane
Age         25 30
City       NYC  LA
dtype: object

As you can see, the resulting Series has the combined values of the two rows. However, this method is not very practical when working with larger DataFrames.

Method 2: Using the `merge` Function

Another way to combine two rows is by using the `merge` function. This method is useful when you want to combine rows based on a common column.

# Select the rows you want to combine
row1 = df.loc[0].to_frame().T
row2 = df.loc[1].to_frame().T

# Merge the rows
new_row = pd.merge(row1, row2, on='Name')


This will output the following DataFrame:

Name Age_x City_x Age_y City_y
John 25 NYC 30 LA

As you can see, the resulting DataFrame has the combined values of the two rows. However, the column names are suffixed with `_x` and `_y`, which can be confusing.

Method 3: Using the `apply` Function

A more elegant way to combine two rows is by using the `apply` function. This method is useful when you want to combine rows based on a custom function.

def combine_rows(row1, row2):
    return pd.Series({'Name': row1['Name'], 
                      'Age': row1['Age'] + row2['Age'], 
                      'City': row1['City'] + ', ' + row2['City']})

# Select the rows you want to combine
row1 = df.loc[0]
row2 = df.loc[1]

# Combine the rows using the custom function
new_row = combine_rows(row1, row2)


This will output the following Series:

Name         John
Age           55
City       NYC, LA
dtype: object

As you can see, the resulting Series has the combined values of the two rows, using the custom function to merge the values.

Method 4: Using the `groupby` Function

Another way to combine rows is by using the `groupby` function. This method is useful when you want to combine rows based on a common column and perform an aggregation operation.

# Group the DataFrame by a common column
grouped_df = df.groupby('City')

# Apply an aggregation function to the grouped DataFrame
new_row = grouped_df.agg({'Age': 'sum', 'Name': 'join'})


This will output the following DataFrame:

City Age Name
Chicago 35 Bob
LA 30 Jane
NYC 45 JohnAlice

As you can see, the resulting DataFrame has the combined values of the rows, grouped by the `City` column and aggregated using the `sum` and `join` functions.


In this article, we’ve explored four different methods for combining two rows in a pandas DataFrame. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best approach depends on the specifics of your problem. Whether you’re working with small or large DataFrames, these methods will help you achieve your goal of creating a new row by combining two rows.

Remember, the key to success is to understand the problem you’re trying to solve and choose the right method based on your specific needs. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of combining rows in no time!

Final Tips and Tricks

  1. Be careful when combining rows with different data types. Make sure to handle any potential errors or inconsistencies in your data.
  2. Use the right aggregation function. Depending on your problem, you might need to use a different aggregation function, such as `mean`, `median`, or `count`.
  3. Test your code. Always test your code on a small sample dataset before applying it to your entire DataFrame.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pandas pro and combining rows like a boss!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of combining rows in a dataframe! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started:

How do I combine two rows in a Pandas DataFrame?

You can use the `concat` function to combine two rows in a Pandas DataFrame. Simply pass the two rows as separate DataFrames to the `concat` function, and it will return a new DataFrame with the combined rows.

What if I want to combine rows based on a specific condition?

You can use the `loc` indexing method to select rows based on a specific condition, and then combine them using the `concat` function. For example, `df.loc[df[‘column_name’] == ‘condition’]` will select all rows where the value in the specified column matches the condition.

Can I combine rows from different DataFrames?

Yes, you can combine rows from different DataFrames using the `concat` function. Simply pass the two DataFrames as separate arguments to the `concat` function, and it will return a new DataFrame with the combined rows.

How do I handle duplicate rows when combining DataFrames?

You can use the `drop_duplicates` method to remove duplicate rows from the combined DataFrame. Simply call `drop_duplicates` on the resulting DataFrame, and it will remove any duplicate rows based on the specified columns.

What if I want to combine rows based on a common column?

You can use the `merge` function to combine rows based on a common column. Simply pass the two DataFrames and the common column as arguments to the `merge` function, and it will return a new DataFrame with the combined rows.