Unlock the Power of Excel: Concatenate All Instances of Text Before a Delimiter in a Single Cell
Image by Fantaysha - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Excel: Concatenate All Instances of Text Before a Delimiter in a Single Cell

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Are you tired of dealing with complicated text strings in Excel? Do you struggle to extract specific information from a cell that contains multiple instances of text before a delimiter? Fear not, dear Excel enthusiast! In this article, we’ll demystify the process of concatenating all instances of text before a delimiter in a single cell, and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is!

What’s the Problem?

Imagine you have a column full of text strings in the format “Item1,Item2,Item3,…,ItemN”. You need to extract all the items before the first comma (“,”) and concatenate them into a single string. Sounds simple, right? But, how do you do it?

The Traditional Way: TEXTSPLIT and INDEX-MATCH

In the past, we had to resort to using the TEXTSPLIT function, which is a powerful tool for splitting text strings. However, it requires some creativity and nesting to achieve the desired result. Here’s an example:


This will split the text string in cell A1 into an array of substrings separated by commas. But, how do we concatenate all the substrings before the first comma?

That’s where the INDEX-MATCH function comes in:


Yes, it’s a mouthful! While it works, it’s not exactly the most elegant solution. There must be a better way…


With the introduction of new functions in Excel, such as TEXTBEFORE and CONCATENATE, we can achieve the same result with much less effort and complexity.

TEXTBEFORE: The Game-Changer

The TEXTBEFORE function is a simple yet powerful tool that allows us to extract all text before a specified delimiter. The syntax is:

=TEXTBEFORE(text, delimiter)

Where “text” is the original text string, and “delimiter” is the character we want to extract text before.

In our example, we can use TEXTBEFORE to extract all text before the first comma:


This will return the first item in the list, but we want to concatenate all items before the first comma…


That’s where the CONCATENATE function comes in. It allows us to join multiple text strings together:

=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ..., textN)

We can use CONCATENATE to join all the substrings extracted by TEXTBEFORE:


This will concatenate all items before the first comma, but we need to repeat this process for each item…

The Ultimate Formula: A Recursive Approach

We can use a recursive approach to concatenate all instances of text before a delimiter in a single cell. The formula is:


Let’s break it down:

  • TEXTBEFORE(A1,",") extracts the first item before the comma.
  • IF(COUNTA(FIND(",",A1))>1 checks if there are more commas in the text string.
  • If true, it recursively calls the formula with the modified text string SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",",")), which removes the first comma.
  • & ", " adds a space and comma separator between each item.
  • "" returns an empty string if there are no more commas.

This formula will recursively concatenate all items before the first comma, regardless of the number of items in the list.

Example and Practice

Let’s put this formula to the test! Suppose we have the following data:

Original Text Desired Output
Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4 Item1 Item2 Item3
Fruit1,Fruit2,Fruit3,Fruit4 Fruit1 Fruit2 Fruit3
Car1,Car2,Car3,Car4 Car1 Car2 Car3

Apply the formula to each cell, and you’ll get the desired output!*

*Assuming the original text is in cell A1, adjust the cell reference accordingly.


With the TEXTBEFORE and CONCATENATE functions, we can easily concatenate all instances of text before a delimiter in a single cell. The recursive approach ensures that the formula works regardless of the number of items in the list. Say goodbye to complicated TEXTSPLIT and INDEX-MATCH formulas!

Practice makes perfect, so be sure to try out this formula with your own data and see the magic happen!

Happy Excel-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Excel concatenation!

How do I concatenate all instances of text before a delimiter in a single cell?

You can use the TEXTJOIN function in combination with the FIND function to achieve this. The formula would look something like this: =TEXTJOIN(“”,TRUE,LEFT(A1,FIND(“|”,A1)-1)). Assuming the delimiter is “|” and the text is in cell A1.

What if I have multiple delimiters in a single cell?

No problem! You can use an array formula to concatenate all instances of text before multiple delimiters. The formula would be: =TEXTJOIN(“”,TRUE,FILTERXML(““&SUBSTITUTE(A1,”|”,”“)&”“,”//s[not(preceding::*[.(‘|’,’]]”]]”)). Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the array formula.

How do I concatenate text before a delimiter and keep the delimiter at the end?

Easy peasy! Just add the delimiter to the end of the concatenated text using the & operator. The formula would be: =TEXTJOIN(“”,TRUE,LEFT(A1,FIND(“|”,A1)-1))&”|”.

What if I want to concatenate text before a delimiter in an entire range of cells?

No sweat! Just use the same formula and apply it to the entire range of cells using an array formula. The formula would be: =TEXTJOIN(“”,TRUE,LEFT(A:A,FIND(“|”,A:A)-1)). Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the array formula.

Can I use this formula in Google Sheets?

Unfortunately, the TEXTJOIN function is not available in Google Sheets. However, you can use the JOIN function along with the REGEXREPLACE function to achieve a similar result. The formula would be: =JOIN(“”,ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXREPLACE(A1,”(|).*”,”$1″))).