AWS CLI: Authenticating Docker CLI to default registry
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AWS CLI: Authenticating Docker CLI to default registry

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Are you tired of manually authenticating every time you want to push or pull Docker images to/from your AWS default registry? Do you wish there was a way to simplify the process and make it more efficient? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to authenticate your Docker CLI to the default registry using AWS CLI, making your containerization experience smoother than ever.

What is AWS CLI?

AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a unified tool that provides a consistent interface for interacting with all AWS services. It allows you to manage your AWS resources, automate tasks, and script workflows using a single, intuitive interface. With AWS CLI, you can perform a wide range of tasks, from creating and managing EC2 instances to administering S3 buckets and more.

What is Docker CLI?

Docker CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool for working with Docker containers. It allows you to create, run, and manage containers, as well as interact with Docker Hub or other container registries. With Docker CLI, you can perform tasks such as building and pushing images, running containers, and managing container networks.

Why authenticate Docker CLI to AWS default registry?

Authenticating your Docker CLI to the AWS default registry provides several benefits, including:

  • Simplified workflow**: By authenticating your Docker CLI, you can skip the manual authentication process every time you want to push or pull images to/from your AWS default registry.
  • Improved security**: Authenticating with AWS CLI ensures that your credentials are securely stored and transmitted, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your AWS resources.
  • Enhanced collaboration**: When you authenticate your Docker CLI to the default registry, you can easily share images and collaborate with teammates, streamlining your development workflow.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • AWS account with an active subscription
  • AWS CLI installed and configured on your machine
  • Docker CLI installed and configured on your machine
  • An AWS default registry set up and configured

Step 1: Configure AWS CLI

First, you need to configure your AWS CLI to use your AWS credentials. You can do this by running the following command:

aws configure

Follow the prompts to enter your AWS access key ID, secret access key, and default region.

Step 2: Get default registry credentials

Next, you need to get the credentials for your AWS default registry. You can do this by running the following command:

aws ecr get-login-password --region 

Replace `` with the region where your default registry is located. Note down the output, as you’ll need it later.

Step 3: Authenticate Docker CLI to default registry

Now, you’re ready to authenticate your Docker CLI to the default registry using the credentials you obtained in Step 2. Run the following command:

docker logout

Then, run the following command to authenticate:

docker login -u AWS -p

Replace `` with the output from Step 2, `` with your AWS account ID, and `` with the region where your default registry is located.

Step 4: Verify authentication

To verify that you’ve successfully authenticated your Docker CLI to the default registry, run the following command:

docker info

If you see your AWS default registry listed in the output, you’re all set!

Troubleshooting common issues

If you encounter any issues during the authentication process, refer to the following table for common solutions:

Issue Solution
Error: “docker login” command not recognized Make sure you have Docker CLI installed and configured on your machine.
Error: “Unknown flag: -p” Make sure you’re using the correct syntax for the “docker login” command.
Error: “Invalid username or password” Double-check that you’ve entered the correct credentials and try again.
Error: “Cannot connect to default registry” Verify that your AWS default registry is set up and configured correctly.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to authenticate your Docker CLI to the AWS default registry using AWS CLI. By following these simple steps, you can simplify your containerization workflow, improve security, and enhance collaboration with your teammates. With this setup, you’ll be able to push and pull Docker images to/from your AWS default registry with ease, making it a breeze to manage your containerized applications.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with authenticating your Docker CLI to the AWS default registry today and take your containerization experience to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of AWS CLI and Docker CLI authentication!

How do I authenticate my Docker CLI to the default registry using AWS CLI?

You can authenticate your Docker CLI to the default registry using AWS CLI by running the command `aws ecr get-login-password –region | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin`. This will generate a login password for your default registry and log you in using Docker.

What is the purpose of the `–region` flag in the authentication command?

The `–region` flag specifies the AWS region where your default registry is located. Make sure to replace `` with the actual region where your registry is hosted, such as `us-west-2` or `eu-central-1`.

Do I need to replace `` with my actual AWS account ID?

Yes, you’ll need to replace `` with your actual 12-digit AWS account ID. You can find your account ID in the AWS Management Console or by running the command `aws sts get-caller-identity –query ‘Account’ –output text`.

What happens if I forget to log out of my default registry?

If you forget to log out of your default registry, your credentials will remain valid for 12 hours. To log out, simply run the command `docker logout`. This will revoke your login credentials and ensure your registry is secure.

Can I use the AWS CLI to authenticate with multiple registries?

Yes, you can use the AWS CLI to authenticate with multiple registries. Simply replace `` and `` with the credentials and region of the registry you want to authenticate with. You can also use the `–registry-ids` flag to specify multiple registry IDs.